Architectural photo shoot at the new Austin Public Library
As a photography exercise and as part of the curriculum for my mentee from the Westlake High School Independent study course, I decided on an Architectural photo shoot at the new Austin Public Library. Nolan and I spent the day there and I taught him my methods of shooting real estate architectural interiors. You can find no better photo ops than the new Public Library. It is a spectacular feat of contemporary architecture. Nolan shot 5 brackets of a top image and the same for a bottom image and then we photo-merged the two together to get a portrait aspect ratio and then we painted in the exposures we wanted from each bracketed image. Here are the 2 images that make up the final master image.

Austin Public Library Architectural photo bottom half

Austin Library architectural bottom half

Austin Library architectural final image
Additional architectural images Nolan shot on location at the library:

Architectural photo shoot at the new Austin Public Library

Architectural photo shoot at the new Austin Public Library bookshelves

Architectural photo shoot at the new Austin Public Library breezway

The new Austin Public Library breezeway 2