Residential Real Estate Photography special technique
Though I don’t do much residential real estate photography , since I am so busy with commercial architectural photography, I was hired to shoot a home to be listed on MLS, and it immediately got a full price offer in just a day on the market. The living room of the house had a vaulted ceiling so to show as much of this room as possible, I chose to photomerge two shots in Photoshop. This require that I shoot one lower and one higher image. I can do this because when I shoot with my Canon 17mm Tilt Shift lens, it allows me to maintain the true verticals in the images, allowing Photohop to be able to merge the two images into one. This provides a nice wide shot but adds the dimension of height so the viewer can see lots more of the room. I hope this stacking approach helped sell this house for my EXP Realty client!

Real Estate architectural photography of vaulted ceiling living room

Vaulted Living room with 2 stacked images in Photoshop