More before and after light painting images
Before and after light painting. I went back to look for some good examples of images that I shot with light painting to use on my updated website slider on my architectural photography page on my site and discovered these that I had forgotten about. Here are more before and after light painting images. This first one is one of my first spot lighting jobs. I popped a Canon 600 ex rt flash with and dome diffuser up into each of the 4 corners of the umbrella, and onto each piece of furniture at different angles and painted those flashes in to this base photo.

Porch before lighting commercial advertising photographer austin

Porch after spot lighting commercial advertising photographer austin
This image was from a custom home Premier Partners in Lakeway, Texas. I used the 600 flash again and popped the light with an umbrella onto the right side of the bar and one from underneath the bar and behind it so I would light the ceiling.

Bar before light painting Architectural and Interior Design Photography Austin Texas

Bart after light painting Architectural and Interior Design Photography Austin TexasTexas
This image was at Riverplace Country Club in Austin. The wood / rattan furniture certainly gained some interest by popping light from multiple angles.

Riverplace Country club lobby before light painting

Riverplace Country club lobby after light painting
Same with the dining room at Riverplace. I had to replace the view out the windows with a perfectly exposed version.

Riverplace dining room before light painting Architectural and Interior Design Photography Austin TexasTexas

Riverplace Country club lobby after light painting Architectural and Interior Design Photography Austin Texas